As part of a strategic land management modernization effort, the City of Covina, California, has selected Clariti’s Community Development Software to improve the end-to-end experience for customers and staff. Implementation of the platform is underway, led by trusted Clariti partner Speridian Technologies.
Located in Los Angeles County, Covina is home to approximately 50,000 residents and is one of the oldest cities in the county.
In 2022, the city brought in $1.3 million in building permitting revenue, and on average, issues 1,000 building permits and conducts 8,000 inspections each year.
Currently, most of the city’s approval and review processes are manual, which was the primary driver in their search for new permit software.
Customers can’t access information or services online, staff have to print out hard copy paper sets to complete reviews, and both customers and staff are spending a lot of time communicating back and forth by phone or email.
Katrina Caro from the city’s Building and Safety Department says she sends anywhere from 30 to 40 emails to applicants each day, and receives just as many from customers looking for general information or project updates - all of which will decrease significantly once their new system is live.
With the permitting software modernization project, the city will completely transform their permitting, planning, inspections, and code enforcement processes, enabling staff to complete concurrent reviews and approvals digitally via one back-office platform, and customers to access services and information online via an intuitive online citizen portal.
“We’re thrilled to provide a fully-equipped community development platform to support the city’s goal of automating its manual processes and improving the customer and staff experience,” says Clariti Co-CEO, Cyrus Symoom.
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