Imagine setting your city or state up for success with a comprehensive strategy that ensures every project runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. This is precisely what the City of Bakersfield achieved with its enterprise project readiness approach when implementing its new Community Development Software. By having a comprehensive plan for project management—from mastering project requirements to navigating complex procurement processes—Bakersfield is nearing the completion of modernizing its community development software successfully and paving the way for more seamless project executions and lasting impact.
Hear Alexis Shaw, Project Manager with the City of Bakersfield, share how the city successfully prepared for enterprise-level modernization and discover how you can prepare your agency for similar success.
You'll learn about:
Alexis Shaw
Project Manager
City of Bakersfield, California
Farouk Savji
Sr. Business Development Executive
Barry Condrey
Senior Fellow
Center for Digital Government
500-609 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 4W4 Canada
Fax: 1 (866) 842-8223